B. Atalay, L. W. Chaio-Yap, "Intermediate Coupling Scheme Applied to the Odd-Mass Isotopes of Indium," Phys. Rev. 5C, 369 (1972).
B. Atalay, Sir R.E. Peierls, A. Mann "Perturbation Theory for Projected States: II. Convergence Criteria and a Soluble Model," Proc. Roy. Soc. A335, 251 (1973).
B. Atalay, D. Brink, A. Mann, "A Product Form for Projection Operations,"
Phys. Lett. 46B, 145 (1973).
B. Atalay, D. M. Brink, A. Mann, "Perturbation Theory for Projected States in the Pairing Force Model," Nucl. Phys. A218, 461 (1974).
B. Atalay, A. Mann, "Perturbation Theory for Projected States in the Pairing Force Model, II. The Problem of Convergence," Nucl. Phys. A238, 70 (1975).
B. Atalay, A. Mann, "Realization of the Transformation Operator in the Jansen-Byers Brown Perturbation Theory for Exchange Interactions," Chem Phys. Lett. 45, 487 (1977).
B. Atalay, A. Mann, "Simple Non-Hermitian Choices for the Standardization Operator in Projected Perturbation Theory," Phys. Lett. 60A, 269 (1977).
B. Atalay, A. Mann, "A Note on the Jeziorski-Piela Perturbation Theory," Acta Physica Polonica, A51, 275 (1977).
B. Atalay, A. Mann, A. Zelicoff, "Perturbation Theory for Projected States in the Pairing Force Model, III. The Problem of Spurious States, Nucl. Phys. A295, 204 (1978).
B. Atalay, A. Mann, "On the Characterization of Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theories," Phys. Lett. A66, 433 (1978). |

An Atalay Seminar in the Department of Theoretical Physics, Oxford
B. Atalay, A. Mann and V. Privman, "United-Atom Projected Perturbation Theory for Homonuclear Diatomic Molecule," Phys. Lett., 65A, 193 (1978).
B. Atalay, Ed. M. Alonso, "Mathematical Model for the Origin of Life: The Emergence of Self-Replicating Molecular Systems." Organization and Change in Complex Systems, Paragon House Publishing Co. (1990). Multiple Authors.
B. Atalay, Organizing Chair and Editor; Yuval Ne'eman, Honorary Chair. Committee II: "Symmetry in Its Various Aspects: Search for Order in the Universe I " International Conference on the Unity of the Science XXI. Washington, DC (1997). Paragon House Publishing Co. Multiple Authors.
B. Atalay, Organizing Chair and Editor, Committee I: "Symmetry in Its Various Aspects: Search for Order in the Universe II." International Conference on the Unity of the Science XXII, Seoul, Korea (2000). Paragon House Publishing Co. Multiple Authors. |