Calendar of Lectures
and Book Signings _____________
Contact information for Bulent Atalay bulentiatalay@gmail.com
call (540) 845-4962
2014 |
Jan 8-20 |
Special Topics Lectures on board Crystal Symphony's cruise "Southern Seas Soliloquouy"— Cruise #4201. Valparaiso, Easter Islands (Chile); Pitcairn Islands )UK), Moorea, Papeete (French Polynesia)
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April 9 |
Washington, DC
Smithsonian Resident Associates Program. Seminar,"How Leonardo Invented the Future" 6:45-8:45 pm. This lecture may also be announced as an Oxford University Society Washington, DC event.
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April 12 |
Los Angeles, California
NORTON SIMON MUSEUM — Lecture: "Leonardo: Artist-Scientist-Inventor" 4:00-5:00 pm Pasadena, California. Book signing (TBA)
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April 18 |
Istanbul, Turkey
Lecture Commemorating the World Arts Day (WAD) and Leonardo's Birthday, sponsored by Uluslararasi Plastik Sanatlar Dernegi (UPSD — The International Plastic Arts Society) — Istanbul Modern, 15.00-17.00.
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May 13 |
• NASA Langley Research Center (NASA LaRC) Colloquium Series: "Leonardo and the Intersection of Art and Science." 2:00 pm Lecture followed by book signing.
• NASA — Virginia Air and Space Museum (VASC) Sigma Series of Public Lectures: "Leonardo and the Intersection of Art and Science." 7:30 pm Lecture followed by book signing. _________________
May 31 |
Fredericksburg, Virginia
UMW Alumni Lecture, "Beethoven, Newton and Leonardo: Patterns in Creativity" 10:00-10:50 am, Lecture followed by book signing (Location to be announced)
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July 1 |
Washington, DC
Smithsonian Resident Associates Program Lecture: "Einstein, Newton and Leonardo: Patterns in Creativity" 6:45-8:45 pm (tentative)
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July 27- 31 |
Kanazawa, Japan
Advanced Institute of Science Technology (JAIST) — Portland International Center for the Management of Engineering and Technology PICMET '14 Conference, Keynote Speech, "Lessons from History: How the West Surged Ahead, and How the East Finally Caught Up"
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Sept 5-19 |
CRYSTAL CRUISES — Special Topics Lectures on board the Crystal Serenity — Repositioning Cruise #4322. London, Guernsey, Waterford, Dublin, Belfast, Reykjavik, Halifax, Bar Harbor, Boston.
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2013 |
Feb 25 |
NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center —"The Crucial Importance of Form and Function: Jobs, Newton and Leonardo." Lecture to the Engineering Colloquium, 3:30 pm Greenbelt, MD 20771 |
March 8-9 |
MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY — Keynote lecture,"Leonardo and the Intersection of Art and Science." (Friday, March 8) at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Central Pennysylvania Section (AAPT-CPS). Book Signing to follow. Millersville, PA 17551 |
March 21 |
April 10-28 |
YACHTS OF SEABOURN — Special Interest Lecturer on board the Seabourn Odyssey — Dubai (UAE), Salalah (Oman); Safaga, Sharm el Sheik, Sohkna (Cairo) all in Egypt; Suez Canal; Ashdod (Jerusalem) Israel; Sorrento and Civitavecchia (Rome) Italy. |
May 13 |
The Hospitality and Information Service (THIS) for Diplomats, Washington, DC — Lecture: "Leonardo's Bridge for the Sultan," 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Arlington County Central Library Auditorium, 1015 N. Quincy St., Arlington, VA 22201 |
June 1 |
UMW Alumni Lecture, "Beethoven, Newton and Leonardo: Patterns in Creativity" Rm 116 Monroe Hall, 10:00-10:50 am. Book signing, Lee Hall, 12:30 pm |
June 8 |
St. Andrew's School Alumni Reunion Lecture, "Beethoven, Newton and Leonardo: Patterns in Creativity," Gahagan Room, O'Brien Arts Center 1:15 pm |
Aug 10-22 |
CRYSTAL CRUISES — Special Topics Lectures on board the Crystal Symphony — Cruise #3220— Barcelona, Palamós, Monte Carlo, St-Tropez, Mallorca/Palma de Mallorca, Cartagena, Gibraltar, Cádiz/Seville, Lisbon |
Sept. 19 |
SEMINAR ORGANIZED BY THE LEGACY FOUNDATION, LLC — "Leonardo's Universe." Lecture followed by book signing. 6:00-8:30 Boar's Head Inn, Charlottesville, VA 22911 |
Oct. 17-25 |
OCEANIA CRUISES-RIVIERA — UMW ALUMNI COLLEGE On the Road. Rome, Sorrento/Amalfi, Taormina, Zakynthos, Corfu, Dubrovnik,Venice.

Nov 11 |
PENN STATE UNIVERSITY — In Remembrance of Ataturk: 1) The Reforms of Kemal Ataturk, and 2) Today's Turkey and the Middle East — sponsored by the Turkish Student Association, 1:30-3:30 pm |
Nov 13 |
Gifted Department at Mercer School — Lecture followed by book signing (3:30-5:00) |
Nov 20 |
FREDERICKSBURG AREA FRESH START PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP — Lecture: "The Intersection of Art and Science, and What the Photographer Can Learn from Leonardo."http://www.meetup.com/The-Fredericksburg-Area-Fresh-Start-Photography-Group/events/115648832/ 6:30-8:50 pm. Lecture followed by Book Signing. Salem Chruch Library, 2607 Salem Church Rd. Fredericksburg, VA 22407 |
2012 |
Jan 5-16 |
YACHTS OF SEABOURN — Cultural Enrichment Lectures on board the Seabourn Odyssey — Los Angeles to Nuku Hiva, Hiva Oa, Papeete and Moorea in the Polynesian Islands |
Jan 27-28 |
South Carolina Council of Teachers of English (SCCTE) Lecture — "Seeking Connections." Kiawah Island Resort, South Carolina. 3:30 pm Jan 27 |
March 27 |
CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNYSLVANIA Lectures. 11:00 am and 7:00 pm |
April 18 |
June 2 |
UMW Alumni Lecture, "The Greatest Englishman... Ever!" 11:00-12:00 Book signing following the lecture |
July 29-Aug 2 |
VANCOUVER, CANADA — PICMET '12 Conference. Keynote lecture, “The Crucial Importance of Form and Function — Jobs, Newton and Leonardo” Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology |
Sept 11 |
Nathional Institute of Health (NIH) Member of a panel, "The Intersection of the Arts and Sciences", 3:00-5:00 pm |
Sept 17 |
UNIVERSITY OF ISTANBUL — "Leonardo ve Türkler", Department of Marine Archaeology. 3:00-5:00 Edebiyat Fakültesi Kütüphanesi. |
Sept 18-30 |
CRYSTAL CRUISES — Special Topics Lectures on board the Crystal Serenity — Cruise #2320— Istanbul-Mykonos-Athens-Navplion-Corfu-Kotor-Zadar-Venice |
Dec 21 |
Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology, Lecture, "Beethoven, Newton and Leonardo: Patterns in Creativity." Fairfax County, VA. 12:30 in the Auditorium |
2011 |
Feb 15-16 |
• 2/15 to the mathematics and science students, "Neutron Activation and the Resolution of a 300-year old Newton Puzzle."
• 2/16 to a general audience, "Leonardo's Universe."
• 2/17 to a class on Peace and Justice Studies, "The Reforms of Kemal Ataturk, and a Love Story Lent a Helping Hand by Ataturk" |
March 25 |
THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Seminar, "The Miracle Year." Fairfax County, VA 12:30-2:15 pm |
March 26 |
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY – Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Two breakout lectures (10:15-11:15, 11:30-12:30) |
March 30 |
COMMONWEALTH GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL — Lecture: "Leonardo's Model: The Intersection of Art, Mathematics and Science" (11:20-12:50) |
April 13
•"A Love Story Lent a Helping Hand by Kemal Ataturk"
April 14 |
• "Leonardo's Universe"
6:00 pm, 1 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL |
May 17 |
St. Andrew's School. Lecture on Isaac Newton: "The Miracle Year." 10:45 am |
June 20-July 4 |
YACHTS OF SEABOURN — Enrichment and Destination Lectures on board the Maiden Voyage of the Seabourn Quest — Barcelona, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Portofino, Civitavecchia, Sorrento, Gythion, Crete, Symi, Marmaris, Kusadasi (Ephesus) Mykonos, Navplion, Piraeus (Athens). |
Aug 2-14 |
CRYSTAL CRUISES — Special Topics Lectures on board the Crystal Serenity —Cruise #1315, "Cathedrals and Castles" London-Oporto-Lisbon-Gibraltar-Valencia-Barcelona-Cannes-Livorno (Florence)-Civitavecchia (Rome) |
Sept 24 |
UMW– Family Weekend, Lecture — "Leonardo's Universe," 10:00 am, Red Room, Woodard Student Center |
Oct 20 |
FINE ARTS CLUB OF ARKANSAS PROGRAM — Lecture: "Leonardo's Universe." Arkansas Arts Center, 10:30 am coffee, 11:00 am lecture. Contact number for information and reservations: 501.396.0322 |
11.1.11 |
OKLAHOMA CREATIVITY FORUM– Lecture, "Optimizing Creativity: Bridging the Cultural Gap" Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center, Norman, Oklahoma. 2:30-3:30 pm. • Luncheon Meeting College of International Studies, University of Oklahoma, 11:30-1:00 pm
Nov 2 |
OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY– Lecture, "Patterns in Creativity: Beethoven, Newton and Leonardo"Book signing following the lecture. |
Nov 10 |
PENN STATE UNIVERSITY — "A Lecture in Two Parts: 1) The Reforms of Kemal Ataturk, and 2) A Love Story Lent a Helping Hand by Ataturk"— sponsored by the Turkish Student Association, 1:30 pm |
Dec 7 |
CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART —Lecture: "Patterns in Creativity: Leonardo and Newton," in connjunction with the exhibition, "Are We There Yet?" Lecture followed by book signing. 500 17th Street, NW. Washington, DC 20006 7:00-8:30 pm. |
2010 |
January 9-26 |
CRYSTAL CRUISES — The Serenity — #0302
Miami to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
March 13 |
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY – Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Two breakout lectures plus the afternoon Keynote Speech, Odyssey Series on Mathematics (http://cty.jhu.edu/family/odyssey.html). Postponed from 10/10/2009 |
April 14 |
COMMONWEALTH GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL Lecture, "Leonardo's Model: the Intersection of Art, Mathematics and the Sciences" |
April 15 |
Lecture, "Math and the Mona Lisa," Naval Lodge No. 4, F.A.A.M. 330 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Washington, DC. 7:30 pm. |
April 24 |
COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY "Leonardo and His Turkish Connection"— Lecture sponsored by the Turkish Cultural Organization. 12:30 pm in Tidewater A |
June 5 |
UMW Alumni Lecture "Leonardo's Universe" 10:00-11:30 Book signing following the lecture
June 8
WORLD BANK/IMF — A lecture sponsored by WITSA —"Leonardo's Model: a Formula for Increasing Creativity." 12:30-2:00 pm, World Bank J Building Atrium. Book signing following the lecture
June 20-July 4 |
YACHTS OF SEABOURN —The Sojourn — Enrichment and Destination Lectures. #1 Tail end of"The Maiden Voyage," Bergen-Amsterdam-Dover.
Followed by #2 "Midsummer Nights Cruise"
Dover - Lubeck - Tallinn - St. Petersburg - Helskinki - Stockholm - Kiel - Dover |
July 8 |
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LIVE! "Leonardo's Universe," Lecture in Exporer's Hall, 7:00 pm, Book signing, following the lecture. 1600 M Street, NW, Washington, DC |
July 16 |
Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi (State Academy of Art) Lecture: "Leonardo's Universe" — 5:30 pm, Auditorium, Government Museum &Art Gallery, Sector 10C, Chandigarhhttp://www.lalitkalachandigarh.com/video-gallery/ |
July 21 |
THAILAND, PHUKET — Keynote Speech,"Leonardo: The Artist Doing Science — The Scientist Doing Art" PICMET'10 (Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology — Lecture followed by book signing.
Aug 4-5 |
Lecture to Science Teachers for the SYFR CORP. SAN ANTONIO |
Aug 24 - Sept 5 |
CRYSTAL CRUISES — Special Topics Lectures on board The Serenity — "Into the Black Sea"
Venice-Katakolon-Navplion-Nesebur-Yalta-Sevastopol-Odessa-Istanbul |
Sept 20 |
UMW — "Leonardo's Universe" Lecture followed by book signing, 11:30-12:30 Meeting Room B, Lee Hall |
Oct. 13-14 |
WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY — Lecture followed by book signing, Wednesday, Oct.13 at 7:00pm; meet with a Seminar Group on Thursday, Oct. 14 at 10:45am |
Oct. 20 |
DUKE UNIVERSITY — Department of Physics Colloquium, "Leonardo's Model." 3:30 pm Rm 128 Physics Building, Science Dr, Durham, NC 27708 |
Oct. 23
DA VINCI SCIENCE CENTER, Allentown, Pennsylvania — Leonardo's Imaginings 2010 Keynote Presentation, "Leonardo's Universe," 8:00 pm
Oct. 28-29 |
COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY "Leonardo's Universe"— Lecture sponsored by the Department of History, Oct. 28 5:00 pm Blair Hall 223. "A Love Story Lent a Helping Hand by Kemal Ataturk" — Turkish Cultural Organization. Oct. 29 5:00 pm Blair Hall 223. |
2009 |
January 8 |
TURKISH CULTURAL CENTER, "Leonardo and his Turkish Connection," Lecture and book signing, 560 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 6:30 pm |
January 28 |
"Albert Einstein: The Last Transformative Genius"
Lecture to UMW Elder Studies 10:00 am-Noon
February 10 |
UMW Lecture, Historic Lives Series"Leonardo's Universe" Dodd Auditorium. 7:30 pm. Rescheduled from Jan 27 (followed by book signing) |
March 12 |
COSMOS CLUB - Washington, DC, Lecture "Leonardo and the Unity of Art and Science" |
March 23 |
• Lecture to class in 'Mathematics and Art' (10:00-11:30 am) |
March 30 |
April 15 |
da Vinci Center - VCU — School of Engineering, Da Vinci Day Celebration, Keynote address:"Leonardo and the Unity of Art and Science" 5:30 pm |
April 17 |
Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology, Seminar, "Math and the Mona Lisa." Fairfax County, VA 10:15-11:45 am, 12:45-2:00 pm |
April 27 |
SUNY — FREDONIA, Lecture: "Beethoven, Newton and Leonardo: Patterns of Creativity." |
May 11 |
Lecture to Science Teachers for the SYFR CORP. ATLANTA |
May 30 |
UMW Alumni Lecture "Leonardo's Universe"
June 9-11 |
Woodruff Center — Pair of lectures for an institute for teacher, 'Leonardo da Vinci: Hand of the Genius' (June 10) |
Aug 7 |
Art Gallery 44A, Istanbul, Turkey |
Aug 9-21 |
CRYSTAL CRUISES — The Serenity — #9317 Athens, Greece to Barcelona, Spain |
Sept 26 |
UMW — "Leonardo's Universe" Lecture followed by book signing, 11:30-12:30 Meeting Room B, Lee Hall |
Sept 29 -Oct 1 |
DA VINCI INSTITUTE • Sept 30 Da Vinci Institute — "New Renaissance" — Creativity Seminar, Oklahoma City, OK Registration
• Oct. 1 Univ of Central Oklahoma, "Leonardo and His Turkish Connection," Howell Hall Atrium, 9:30-10:45 am |
Oct 15 (Thursday) |
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, School of Medicine, Charles J. 'Tunk' Tegtmeyer Memorial Lectureship. Lecture: "Leonardo: Scientist, Anatomist, Inventor and Renaissance Man," Rotunda, UVA |
Oct 28 |
NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY (NCSU), Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS) Lecture: "Synthesizing Art and Science." 4:30-6:30 — Poe Hall Rm 216, 2310 Stinson Dr., NCSU Campus |
Nov 2 (Monday) |
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY- Department of Physics
"Math and the Mona Lisa," a pair of lectures: 11:20-12:35, 12:40-2:00 McKinley Hall Rm 108 |
Nov10 (Tuesday) |
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY —"A Love Story Lent a Helping Hand by Kemal Ataturk." 7:30 pm. Auditorium (Rm 103) Reiss Science Building, Washington, DC. (Lecture hosted by the Institute for Turkish Studies, and Turkish Studies at Georgetown.)
Dec 1 (Tuesday) |
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND — Department of Physics Seminar, "Leonardo's Model" 4:00 pm |
2008 |
March 3-5
Maryville College, "Math and the Mona Lisa," several lectures and book signing |
April 6
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY — Keynote Speech — Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Baltimore, MD |
May 13
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY — Grosvenor Auditorium — EXPLORER'S Hall — Lecture "Leonardo's Universe," 1600 M Street, NW Washingon, DC 7:30 PM
May 31 |
UMW Alumni Reunion Lecture 10:00 am |
June 7 |
St. Andrew's School Alumni Reunion Lecture O'Brien Arts Center 10:30 am |
June 11-13 |
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (NSF) Panelist at "Art, Creativity and Learning Symposium" Washington, DC |
July 31-Aug 24 |
CRYSTAL CRUISES — The Serenity — #8318 Monte Carlo to Venice and #8319 Venice to Athens |
Sept 8 |
THE TURKISH EMBASSY , Washington, DC, and the American Friends of Turkey (AFOT) "Leonardo and His Turkish Connection" (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm) |
Sept 20 |
UMW Family Weekend Lecture: "Leonardo's Universe" 11:00 am Monroe 104 |
Oct 5 |
AMERICAN-TURKISH ASSOCIATION, Washington DC (ATA-DC) Turkish Festival Lecture (2:30 pm) |
Oct 30-31
DARDEN SCHOOL, THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 11th Annual Business Forum, Friday Luncheon Talk: "Leonardo's Model: Maximizing Creativity," Abbot Center Auditorium 12:30 pm |
Nov 5
Dec 12-15 |
ASPEN INSTITUTE "Florence II: That One Man Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci" Video |
Dec 17 |
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH) National Library of Health — Lecture: "Leonardo and the Unity of Art and Science," 3:00-4:30 pm Bldg 38A, Lister Hill Auditorium |
2007 |
January 24 |
"Math and the Mona Lisa," hosted by the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society of Oustanding Women Educators, Fredericksburg, Virginia 7:00 pm • Event followed by book signing |
February 12 |
NASA — Goddard Engineering Colloquium. 3:30 pm. Greenbelt, MD • Event followed by book signing.Building 3, Auditorium.• FULL COLOR POSTER |
March 14
Saturday |
"Math and the Mona Lisa," lecture followed by book signing. Salisbury University, Salisbury, Maryland. |
March 24 |
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY —— Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Baltimore, MD |
June 3 |
UMW Alumni Reunion Lecture |
July 2-26 |
Lectures Onboard Crystal Serenity (#7316, #7317) |
Sept 12 (Wednesday) |
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, Charlottesville, VA. Lecture to EDLF 728, Graduate Class in 'Creativity and Problem Solving,' National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (5:15-6:45 pm) |
Oct 15 (Monday) |
• Lecture to class in 'Mathematics and Art' (10:00-11:30 am) |
Oct 29 (Monday) |
NASA — Goddard Engineering Colloquium. 3:30 pm. Greenbelt, MD • Auditorium 'Neutron Activation and the Resolution of a 300-year old Newton Puzzle' BIO AND ABSTRACT |
Nov 5 -6 (Monday-Tues) |
SUNY — FREDONIA Three seminars in physics: #1 Neutron Activation; #2 Integration of art and mathematics; #3 Quantum Mechanics |
2006 |
Jan 5-7 |
• Jan 5. Yeditepe Universitesi — Istanbul
• Jan 6. Bogazici Universitesi — Department of Physics Seminar, Feza Gürsey Institute, Istanbul
• Jan 7. Bahçesehir Universitesi, Besiktas Kampus, Istanbul |
Jan 22
Jan 27
"Dynamic Symmetry" —Lecture — St. Andrew's School Alumni in the Charlottesville, VA Area
SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION "Galileo: Science and Society," National Museum of Natural History (Noon lecture), Washington, DC (UMW-SPS Event)
March 6
Monday |
Chautauqua South, Lecture, Stuart, FL
March 8
Wednesday |
HARVARD UNIVERSITY, "Leonardo and his Turkish Connection," Seminar, Center for Government and International Studies, Cambridge, MA |
March 10
Friday |
Thomas Jefferson High School
of Science and Technology, Seminar, "Math and the Mona Lisa." Fairfax County, VA |
March 11
Saturday |
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY — Keynote Speech — Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Baltimore, MD |
April 7
Friday |
Pennsylvania College of Technology, "Leonardo's Model: the Integration of Art and Science," Keynote Speech — American Association of Physics Teachers (CPS-AAPT)
April 12
Wednesday |
Virginia Military Institute (VMI) Seminar to the Honor's Program, Turman Room, VMI Library, Lexington, VA |
April 14
Friday |
COLGATE UNIVERSITY "Leonardo's Model: Integration of Art and Science," Seminar — Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, 209 Lathrop Hall, 3:00 pm Hamilton, NY |
May 8-17 |
• 8 Mayis Pazartesi, Saat 17.00— Koç Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Mühendislik Oditoriumu, (Konferans Türkçe Verilecektir)
• 15 Mayis Pazartesi, Saat 15.00 — Istanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Cahit Arf Dersanesi (Konferans Türkçe Verilecektir)
• 16 Mayis Sali. Saat 17.00 — Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara — Fen Fakültesi, Kimya Bölümu, BüyüK Kimya Amfisi (Konferans Türkçe Verilecektir)
• 17 Mayis Çarsamba, Saat 14.00 — Bogaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Rektörlük Konferans Salonu. (Lecture in English)
June 3 |
UMW Alumni Reunion Lecture |
July 10-14 |
Commonwealth Governor's School—Summer Enrichment—lectures and field trip to the National Gallery of Art |
July 19-Aug 7 |
Lectures Onboard Crystal Symphony (#6218, #6219) |
Oct 11 |
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, Charlottesville, VA. Lecture to EDLF 728, Graduate Class in 'Creativity and Problem Solving,' National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (4:00-6:45 pm) |
Oct 16 |
• Lecture to class in 'Mathematics and Art' (10:00-11:30 am)
• "Mathematics of Aesthetics" Seminar, Department of Mathematics Colloquium Room (4:00-5:00 pm ) |
Nov 10 |
Ford's Colony, Williamsburg, Virginia. (Evening lecture followed by book signing) |
Nov 22-26
Thanksgiving week |
• Rahmi Koç Müzesi, Istanbul, Exhibition of Leonardo's inventions (Konferans Türkçe Verilecektir)
• Istanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Cahit Arf Dersanesi (Konferans Türkçe Verilecektir) |
Dec. 20 |
Thomas Jefferson High School of Science, Fairfax County, Virginia — Pair of Seminars, at 10:00 am and 12:30 pm. |
January 29 |
CORNELL UNIVERSITY, "Light in Winter Festival" 2005, Keynote Speech, Ithaca, NY. |
February 1 |
February 3 |
February 14 |
Feb 22 |
Turkish Embassy Reception, Lecture-Book signing, Washington, DC. Host: Ambassador Hon. Dr. O. F. Logoglu |
March 12 |
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY — Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Baltimore, MD |
March-April |
April 22 |
June 4 |
UMW Alumni Reunion Lecture |
June 16 - July 10 |
Lectures Onboard Crystal Serenity (#5313, #5314) |
July 29 - Aug 4 |
September 1 |
WILLIAM AND MARY Physics Department Seminar |
October 12 |
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Charlottesville, VA. Lecture to EDLF 728, Graduate Class in 'Creativity and Problem Solving,' National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (4:00-6:45 pm) |
November 7 |
UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND, Biddeford, Maine, (Lecture followed by book signing) |
2004 |
April 2 |
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington , DC
April 15 |
(Leonardo's Birthday) Smithsonian Institution's Resident Associates Program, Washington, DC |
May 3 |
May 4 |
CALTECH - James Michelin Lecture Series, Pasadena, CA |
May 6 |
RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
July 6 - August 6 - On board the cruise ship Crystal Serenity (#4312, #4313, #4314) |
On board the cruise ship Crystal Serenity (#4312, #4313, #4314) |
Oct 7 - 10 |
- A variety of venues on behalf of the DA VINCI Institute, Oklahoma City, OK
October 7 - University of Central Oklahoma
October 7 - Oklahoma School of Science and Math
October 8 - Oklahoma Baptist University |
October 26 |
Virginia Commonwealth University, Lecture to Honors Art Program, Richmond, VA |
November 6 |
DUKE UNIVERSITY, "FOCUS - Exploring the Mind,"Durham, NC |
November 15 |
St. Andrew's School Lecture-Lunch, Army-Navy Club, Washington DC |
November 19 |
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), "A Renaissance Journey," Richmond, VA |